Pontiac Repair: pontiac grand prix 3.1 engine, pontiac grand prix, oil leaks
We would like to know what you think about the 3.1 v6 The car needs a new transmission at the tune of about $2500.00 The engine has 135,000 plus miles on it. Do you know of any problems this engine may have happen to it? I have heard some cars engines after 150,000 miles it is not worth replaceing the transmission because the engine is not far behind. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
AnswerHi, the 3.1 is a good engine, no i don't know of any problem with it, any time you buy a car with this many miles, you are taking a chance, you could drive it for the next 5 years, or it could fall apart before you get home with it. What I would do is check it out real good, let the engine run until it warms up, then check for oil leaks, water leaks, water in the oil, over heating, smoke coming out of the exhaust. This is my checks. Just because the transmission is gone out, this don't mean the engine will not last.