Pontiac Repair: 1999 Pontiac heater, pontiac grandam, motor speeds

I have a 1999 Pontiac Grandam GT.   This morning I am getting no heat. The electric Rear window defrost does not seem to work either.  A few months ago I lost the low speed blower motor speeds.  Now I seem to only have 1 blower motor speed.

Seems electrical but don't know where to start.  Any help and advice is appreciated.  Thanks.

Hi, start with the motor, disconnect the wire from the motor, with a tast light start with the low speed, the light should be dim as you go up on the switch the light should get birghter. If light dose this, then it's in the motor, if the light don't work then it could be the fan relay. the rear window defrost could have a break in the heating element.