QuestionDear Dave: Well I took your Advice and check the fuel pump fuse,(thats was ok but replaced it anyway) then checked for power to the fuel pump there is no power with the key on or in start mode) the meter read zero. THen I checked the fuel pump relay, when the key is on there is a definate cliking inside. I took it out and took off the cover , could see nothing wrong, and if I need to I have to order it, no parts stores carry them here in town (any good resoures for porsche parts you recommend?). But this doesn't answer the "no spark Question" I took off a plug wire and grounded it, (no spark), then the coil-distributer (no spark) I checked the (+) side and it is hot though I can't remember the reading, then Tried to start the car, the(-) went hot also. Can this be a coil problem? ECU? don't notice any funny smells of burned out parts. Just stopped running, no spark, no elec to the fuel pump. ANy help would be appreciated
Followup To
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Dear Dave: First let me say I've read your repair comments and am very grateful for any help. You Sure Know your stuff. I have an'83 944 with standard shift. Maybe 58,000 miles. Runs great or should I say Ran. I drove it last Sun. went to move it 2 days later, won't start. I did a visual exam, all seems well. Then I went over with an Ohm meter. Ther is no power to the fuel pump. The coil has power on both(-)(+) when turning the key on, but no power out to the distributor wire. Therefore no spark to the plugs. There was some fuel in the rail. So I figures it's electrical. I asked a mechanic frienmd. he suggested sensors, but I can't find them in my Haynes book. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks AL
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Hi Al,
Usually, the issue with sensors is that they will make the car run better or worse... after it starts...they usually don't cause a no-start.
You started by saying there is no power to the fuel pump. Seems like that's a key place to start. The wiring diagram shows the pump is protected by fuse 2, 16 amps, on the additional fuse board. If the fuse is OK, the next thing is to verify the operation of the fuel pump relay. Let's start there. Let me know what you find.
AnswerHi Al,
One last thing on the fump pump, then I'll leave it alone. Not only should you hear or feel the clicking of the relay, you should be able to hear the fuel pump running...after all, the clicking i means the relay is sending 12v to the pump.
If the coil is getting 12v but you are not getting spark, you're on to something. Rather than re-invent the wheel, let me refer you to this article on this site...both as good sources of info and good sources of parts:
Go through the checklist and let me know what you learn.