Porsche Repair: 83 911SC Steering Wheel Wobble, shock absorber, steering damper
QuestionA couple of days ago, the steering wheel started moving (maybe a couple of centimeters) whenever I hit a good bump in the road.
Have I lost a part or is this just a case of the dt's.
AnswerHi Robert,
This knid of symptom usually doesn't come on so fast...it's normally so slow a change the driver doesn't notice. So...I doubt you've lost a part; but I wouldn't be surprised if sonething broke loose or just came loose over one of those bumps. My suspicion and the one everyone will look at first will be the connections at both ends of the steering damper. This is a long skinny shock absorber type part that's in among the steering links between the front wheels. Any disrepair here will immediately show up in your steering wheel.
I would strongly suggest the best course of action would be the safest...have your mechanic get the car up on a hoist and check out the front end...in total.
Alternatively, go into your nearest Big O type tire retailer and ask if they do safety checks because you've got this problem...then tell them what you've told me. The check, I'll bet, will be free.
Frankly, I hope its nothing, but let's check it out quickly.