I have an early 1985 Porsche 944 I just became the proud owner of. When I got the car, all electrical options worked great. Now, for some reason neither of the power windows work from the two drivers side switches. In addition, the power mirrors stopped working at the same time. The passenger window still works from the passenger side, and all fuses look good. Is there any easy thing I can check before I start tearing apart door panel?
AnswerHi Ryan,
Congrats on the new car. I'll bet it's a lot of fun. I don't have THE definitive answer before you tear the door apart...but I was thinking it was related to the window relay...but the one relay controls both windows. Thus, if one window is still working, the issue seems to be in the switches.
But there's no linkage from the windows to the mirrors on my wiring diagram...which means you have gremlins.
If I were you I'd:
1. Go to your local auto parts store and buy "Porsche 944 Automotive Rep[air Manual 1983 thru 1989 All Models including turbo"...published by Haynes. It's the Haynes Repair manual #9U4-1027. It'll be around $22. If you are more patient and cheap (like me), look for it new and used (usually in pretty good shape for something that'll get greasy anyway) on the web at discount book sellers. There are many, but my wife's favorite right now is:
Once you have the manual you'll find it invaluable in understanding how the car is put together...and for those of us who like wiring diagrams, it'll have plenty.
2. Do a few more tests with the windows and the mirrors...try to figure if the mirrors or windows will work if you touch the switches in different ways...pressing harder or pressing in at awkward angles. Let's say for at least one switch there is gunk or crud on the contacts.
3. Can you imagine how to gently remove the window switch? If you can...we can apply 12 volts driectly to the motor to see if the motor will work.
4. Write back to me at
[email protected] and we'll get to the bottom of this.