Porsche Repair: 911 fuel pump, electric pumps, exact placement

Dave, Where is the fuel pump for my 1986 911 carrera? i found the filter thats easy but the pump is where? Thanks. Rick

Hi Rick, sorry it's taken awhile to respond to you.  

The reference manual I use is quite unclear as to the exact placement of the pump.  Let me say this.  Historically, the electric pumps have always been close to the gas tank and usually situated under the tank (to let gravity do some of the work) and way up front in the car (because the pumps are basically pushers rather than suckers).  So...for the lack of any other evidence, I suspect your pump is either in the trunk or in an opening under the chassis right below the gas tank.

Sorry I couldn't be more specific...my wife just hasn't let me become a 911 owner yet.
