Porsche Repair: Porsche 356 upholstery, porsche books, upholsery

Hello Dave,

Here's another question from Erik (owning the 356 SC). Thank you very much for your last answer. Now I know what is ment by the upholstery. I'm still trying to determine if my current upholstery is the original color.

Here's my problem. I have 2 different documents from Porsche about my car. The facory sheet says my car was finisched the 26 th of februari 1964. And delivered to the new owner somewhere in March 1964.

To know if my upholstery is the right color I fist have to know the modelyear. So I know it was finished in februari 1964, but it was probably ordered in 1963, right? I don't think one could order a car for example january the second 1964, and have it finished in februari. It seems to me the buyer must have ordered it in 1963. So according to this info, do you think my car is modelyear 1963 or 1964.

The problem now is that my car has the color 6406 Irish green. According to several documents that was not a color in 1963, but it was in 1964.

Now The first document I have says the upholstery was "reh.br" wich I think is German for Fawn.

The second document I have says the upholstery is "kunstleder Braun" wich means brown leatherette.

I think Brown en Fawn are 2 different colors. Or am I wrong? Brown being darker than Fawn? According to my Porsche books Fawn was a optional color for upholsery in 1964. And brown was optional in 1963, but than again the exterieur color Irish green wasn't.

My car now has the color Irish green with the darker brown (Brown) upholstery.

What is your opinion Dave?
If you wish you can also mail me at [email protected]

Thans again for all your trouble.

Erik Vink

Your last anwer with the letter code's was very usefull.


Thanks for the kind comments.   I've looked further into my dusty old library and here's how I'd tell for sure:

Your SC is a '1964' model if the Engine # is 811002-813562 or
820523-821701 AND your chassis # is 128105-131927 or

Car manufacturers have always offered buyers their next model year cars in the current year.  Traditionally, the was an October ritual here in the U.S., but over time the dates ebbed to and fro quite flexibly.  It is quite believeable that your car was ordered in '63 but was a '64 model through and through.  There were some C's and SC's with manufacture dates July-December 1963, but I don't know if they were considered '64 models or not. " Hey buddy, what year is that?" is not such a simple question, as you know.  The Manufacture year, the Model Year, the Date First Sold Year (on my vehicle registration), etc.

As for your colors:  I'm convinced you are Irish green with Fawn leatherette upholstery (I don't think you have Fawn corduroy inserts in the seats, but I'm not sure).  It makes perfect sense to believe that along the manufacturing line Helmut would tell Karl, who got it from Fritz, that as of tomorrow we'll be painting the cars with this new model year paint and we'll use the interiors that match (acording to Mrs. Porsche I'm sure).

My reference books agree the above was the rule, but exceptions could occur...let's say a C was pulled out of the line because of some repair or some change...when it got back in line paint colors or upholstery's could have changed.  So that's how I will explain your Irish green/Fawn if you serial numbers aren't  as I've predicted.

I think Fawn was the only brown-like upholstery in '64-65...and your german word just confirms you've got leatherette.

Got to go now...I love hearing about 356's, especially great ones like the SC's.  Keep me posted.
