RV Repair: no power, fusible link, harbor freight

I have a 1997 holiday rambler, i ran microwave the same time the air was running and i thought i blew a fuse, checked ooutside and inside and even replaced a circit breaker thinking that was the problem.  I have electric to the outside of the camper but not inside.  any idea what is wrong, and how do we ccheck if the converter is working properlly

Sounds like you broke a connection or wire somewhere.  Could also be a fusible link.  None of your outlets work inside, or lights?  How about a ground fault tripped?  You need the signal chaser that will trace the wires in your walls.  You can get that from Harbor Freight.  Here is the place.  


cut ant paste that in your address bar.  

If you hook it up to the wires at the micro, and follow the signal back, you will find where the signal is lost and go from there.  If you want to, you can also go from breaker forward.  Most likely you will loose the signal in the same place.

Good luck.