RV Repair: 1993 Holiday Rambler Free Spirit Travel Trailer, hook ups, black tank

Hello.  Had a question about my 1993 Holiday Rambler 28' travel trailer.  I hooked up to what I thought was the city water hook up.  When I turned on the water, the water did not pressurize the system, but instead flush thru and filled the black "waste" tank.  Someone had told me that this was the flush line for flushing out the black tank when emptying.  I don not know of anywhere else to hook up the city water then.  Would it hook up where the fresh water tank would also get filled?  Is there a valve that I have open somewhere or missing?  I don't see anywhere else the city water would hook up.  Thanks,

the black tank is toilet water.  My guess is your city water could not pressureize the system, because some how the water went in the city water hook up, and straight down the toilet.  Make sure something is not going on at the toilet.  

Also make sure you don't have an odd valve arrangement that allows the city water to flush the black tank.  I  have never heard of that.  I would say that in an effort to avoid a mistake, it there is such a hook up for water to flush the black tank, it would not be exactly the same as a garden hose hook up.  Otherwise if the black tank filled to over capacity, the toilet water would back up into your sink lines and garden hose.  Usually you just dump the black tank and hose out the dump line.  You may run water into the black tank through the toilet if you want to flush it out.  

You probably found the correct hook up.  However if there is another place to hook on your garden hose near the holding tank, then maybe that is where you pressureize the system.  I find it strange to have two garden hose hook ups, when one is for the black tank; because of the potential for disaster (doo doo in the drinking water).  

Good luck.