RV Repair: Ripped Up, happy camping, 5th wheel

RV Repair: Ripped Up, happy camping, 5th wheel
Camper Pic
We have a 1995 Dutchman 27 Ft. 5th wheel. Last week we were returning from a camping trip and when we got home we noticed that on the passenger side a piece of the siding had blown and ripped out. Is there any way to repair this? It looks like some kind of fiberglass.

                                       Dennis Allen

yes you can splice a new piece of sidewall in.
1.remove the trim around the area
2.remove the window
3.remove the awning
4.cut the broken wall off straight behind the window
5. clean up the metal frame
6.cut and dry fit the new wall piece
7.glue new wall and brace in place
8.body work wall seam/paint as needed(or add a piece of flat trim seal the back side good)
9.reinstall window
10.reinstall trim
11.reinstall awning
12.reseal awning/window and all trim

thanks and happy camping Don