RV Repair: Onan Microlite 4000, button man, fuel line
QuestionMy Onan won't stay started when you release the button. I recently took it to a Genset repair shop but not a Onan Dealer, he replaced the Brushes, Control Box and the Fuel pump and re-installed and it still does the same thing. He check the oil sensor, fuel line, and replaced the oil and spark plug. and the still won't stay on when you release the button???????
AnswerMan this is hard sound like the are just changing parts take it to the cummings dealer or call onan to get a good repair center sound to me like a stator but thats a wild guess seems like the only part they didnt change get out of there and find a good shop hate to sound like that but I think they are in over there heads
Sorry wish I was more help let me know if you cant find a dealer Ill find one for you just need to know where you are