RV Repair: 2008 Four Winds Class C A/C drainage, rv service center, class c motorhomes
QuestionI used the air on my 2008 Four Winds. The water from the a/c stayed on the roof. Went to a RV service center and was told class c motorhomes do not have a a/c drain line, when you level rv, level it at a slant so the a/c drainage drains off the roof. Is this true?
Mike Carmody
Answerwell I hate to say it but yes this is dumb I know you would think they would put in a drainline. But they dont until you get to about 200,000 ??????? So yes set it off level just a little remember to set it to the raer corner so you dont have to wade in water while you camping
Wish I had better new good luck and enjoy your new rv