RV Repair: dometic ac, duo therm, ac unit
QuestionQUESTION: dometic ac unit won't come on at all nothing works i beleive the camper has been plugged into 240 volt outlet is there any way to fix the ac unit or is it fried
ANSWER: Yes some times if you have a transfer switch it usually fries it first now locating it might be the issue I need to know make model and year as well as what it says in breakers then I can help more keep you chin up this happens a lot
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: it is a dometic duo-therm model number 59016.521 dont know the year and it only has a single pole breaker it the breaker box
AnswerOk there is a small box tha a screw to hold the cover on phillps head take this off USE CAUTION THERE ARE WIRES IN THERE THAT CAN SHOCK AND KILL IF YOU ARE NOT CAREFUL. That said ther should be a 3anp fuse atc style in there thry that and be sure to check the fuse in the tstat if there is one.
We may have to go a step at a time to get to the end bare with me.