RV Repair: Fiberglass repair, fifth wheel trailer, left hand corner

I recently discovered a crack in the Fiberglass on my 28' Trailite Fifth wheel trailer.  The crack I believe was caused due to the slide out being extended during the winter months and not sitting level.  This caused a stress crack along the front portion of wall where the slide out comes back in. The crack is about 6 inch. in lenth and goes from the top down. The crack started along the bottom left hand corner where the slide-out makes contact with the camper, and extends downward.  With that being said, is this fixable? If it needs to be hauled before being repaired will it cause more cracking? Will the slide out continue to cause more cracking if left extended and not braced in the future?

Well I dont think its because of the slide being out. Its more likely that you have some water damage and its causing it to crack it is fixable but they need  to go deeper than just patch the crack they need to find the problem. Make them tell you why and stand behind it. Too many times they put a bandaid on it and you get to pay for it all over again. as far as moving it you can but I would NOT take it cross country.
if you need more info let me know