RV Repair: roof & floor repair 19ft Prowler, good shape, ball park figure
QuestionThis trailer was left outside unprotected by the elements for several years. The mice have had a field day. It is 1999 19 ft Prowler by Fleetwood. The roof above the table end is damaged %26 mushy. The floor inside the door is rotted. Not safe to step on. Any idea how to go about fixing this trailer up %26 what it might cost [a ball park figure would be good} I just don't know where to start. Otherwise it is in pretty good shape.
AnswerTear the rubber if off the roof and replace the decking and rubber cut out the bad spots in the floor and patch it back. Long process and its no fun. Cost wise if you do it about 2500.00. to do it wright shop 4500 us dollars. you can save money if you do it your self if you need more help get back with me and I can walk you through most of it or send pic. wish I could tell you more but you just have to tear into it and fix it
good luck