QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2007 Springdale 25ft. with slide. I had it plugged up in the driveway and I heard the propane detecter going off. I checked for a sign of a gas leak but found none. I could not get the detecter to shut off, I unplugged the trailer and removed the detecter, so it could be replaced. I went out today and plugged the trailer back up and none of the lights would work. The refrigerator, microwave and power jack wouldn't work either. I checked the wall outlets and they work. I checked the breakers and fuses and their good. I thought it might have something to do with removing the detecter, since I had not replaced it yet I put the old one back. But that didn't help either, it also was silent and no lights were on. Any ideas would be a big help.
Thank You, Audrey
ANSWER: Audrey, It sounds to me like you have lost 12 volt power to the coach. Check the batteries to see that they are charged. If they are then look right after them to see if they have a 12 volt circuit breaker in line. Just make sure it has power to both sides. I am sure you probably won't find any power in the batteries anyway, as when you plug it in the converter takes over and should run the lights, etc. Do you have a square brown box that has the circuit breakers in? If so the lower half of it is the converter. If not then the converter is elsewhere and let me know and I can tell you what to look for. Now if it is the brown box when you replace it you won't need to put the new fuse panel in as long as it looks the same. Be sure to check the 110 power to the converter and the 12 volt power out. You can check the 12 volt right at the fuse panel. Let me know what you have and we can go from there. I hope this helps, Bill
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Mr. Gibbs, Thank you for your reply. I took my battery and had it charged, it was dead. Now everything is working but I don't know if it is from the battery or electric. I'm going to leave it plugged up tonight and a light on to see if it goes dead. Now the weirdest thing has happened, The clock on the microwave won't work, and when I open the microwave door it turns on and goes around, I shut the door and it stops. Also I have not heard the converter kick on. Thank you, Audrey
AnswerAudrey, I really think you will find that your converter is bad and needs replaced. As for the microwave, these things happen and at the strangest times it seems. Hopefully the coach is under warranty or you purchased an extended warranty with it when you bought the trailer. If not I might think about seeing if you might be able to get one now. They are a good thing to have especially if the refer goes out. Those can cost alot to repair. I hope this helps and you are able to repair the trouble. Thanks, Bill