RV Repair: RV battery hooked up backwards, reverse polarity, fuse panel

QUESTION: Hi my husband bought a new battery for our 2004 Dutchman pulltrailer.  He hooked it up backwards accidently.  He went inside to check the water pump to see if it worked with new battery... the lights flashed on & off.... He went back outside and discovered reverse polarity.. rehooked it up correctly.. Now, everything works except for our refrigerator.  After searching he found some fuses blown open, in the inverter section of the fuse box in the trailer.  He replaced them and still gas/electric will NOT cool.  any suggestions?  Thanks a bunch for any help!
As you can see - it's the wife asking for help... he feels
like a  real _ _ _ for his mistake....I just want my fridge to work.. it's a norcold brand.  thanks so much!  ks

ANSWER: Karen, This is a mistake that alot of people make, so tell him not to worry. I am not clear on whether or not the refer is coming on or not. Does the lights now work or do you have no function at all? If it appears to be coming on but just not getting cold I really need to know because there are different thing I will need to tell you depending on what it is doing now. Let me know and we can go from there. Thanks, Bill Karen, If you want to contact me directly you may do so at [email protected]. Thanks again, Bill

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Bill Thanks so much for the help... ok, after fixing the fuses with the switch (in gas or auto) the power light comes on then it starts blinking/flashing.  But frige never gets cold.  also, in gas the electric spark ignition doesn't work now. (which It did the first time)
to recap -
after battery change he started it in gas - checked 2 hrs later and it wasn't getting cold yet... then switched it electric power... checked in the morning still not cold, he checked in fuse panel and found blown fuses..30-amp (2)
put in new fuses tried again... that's when green power light started blinking/flashing and tried gas again noticed the electronic ignition not working... everything else in the trailer works no problem heater/air cond. stove/ microwave... hope this makes sense to you.
again thanks so much,  Karen

Karen, Do you now have power getting to the refer all the time? Is the light staying on? On the power board behind the refer there is 2 fuses that you might want to check. I have a hard time with it only being 12 volt that was hooked backwards to destroy the board. Beside the black board there is also a reigniter located under a smaller cover to the right of the power board. If there is 12 volt power getting there and nothing getting out it will need to be replaced. If you would like to call me so I can talk to you and walk you through this please feel free to at 530-347-3073 or 530-356-5719 anytime between 7:30am and 7:00pm and I would be more than happy to help you. Thanks, Bill