RV Repair: Onan Generator, mail check, fuel gauge
QuestionHello Bill, I am still having problems with my generator, even after installing a new carb as you suggested. I have a 4000 watt onan microquiet and it will start but instantly shuts down (after about 5 seconds) I started having problems after it sat around for several months and thought the carb had varnished. I installed a new carb and plug..same problems.I pulled off the fuel and cranked it and it is pumping fuel, so, I put an in-line fuel gauge on the carb and it is reading at about 3.5-3.7 psi, same on startup and while running...my book says it should be about 4-5 psi..do you think that small difference could be the problem? do you have any suggestions on what I could try from here?
AnswerDean, It may be but I really doubt it. Can you test to see that the power stays on when you release the switch? It may be in the switch. This is why I really don't like trying to diagnose troubles through e mail. Check to see that there is no interruption of the power and if there is it may be the switch needs to be replaced. If it is working right then it may be in the main control board and taking it to a shop would be your best bet. Thanks, Bill