RV Repair: 95 Prowler water heater, blue flame, burner tube

I light the pilot on the panel in the back of my trailer, but when I turn the setting to on, the flame is huge. I'm sure the flame shouldn't be this big, what could be causing this? A leak? Please help.

Lacie, The first thing I would check is the burner tube. If a spider makes a web in there it will make the flame big. I should ask is the flame yellow or blue? If it is yellow and there is no spider web in the tube, and check it good, then you can pull off the orifice on the end of the gas tube that goes to the burner tube. If it is clean, and never poke anything into the orifice for you can damage it, then reinstall it and check the LP pressure. It is more than likely low. If it is a blue flame then you should make sure the tanks are not too full. Do this by opening the 20% or they call it the 10% valve and see that there is no fluid coming out. If there is then bleed it off until it is spitting and run your stove awhile to clear the lines and try again. If it is still high then replace the regulator. This should help you no matter which color it is. In the future it helps asking and giving as much details as you can. The person answering the question better not think you are rambling on. Thanks, Bill