RV Repair: duo therm heater in my used rv, duo therm, furnace
QuestionI can light pilot and turn to on but even with thermostat on high.will not come on nor will the fan.
AnswerJoe, Lighting the pilot is one thing but you need to make sure there is power to the T-Stat and if so that it is working. You can do this by pulling it off the wall and connecting the 2 wires, as long as there is power there it should come on. If not then it is or probably is in the furnace. You should see the wires going into the furnace and the red one should have power to it. If not restore the power. If all these things have power and it still will not work then ask again and I will run you through the procedure to find the trouble. I will need a model number if you can get one for me. Thanks, Bill