RV Repair: 12V problem on fleetwood niagra, computer troubles, company literature

my neighbor has a 2003 fleetwood niagra... ser. no. 1968k413c... the overhead lights do not have 12V going to them on either battery or convertor.
i checked the convertor and i have 12V coming off of each fuse. i pulled the converter and looked behind, and it appears that the wire that furnishes the 12V to the overhead lights runs through a metal channel fastend to the floor and toward the front of the RV. I am assuming that somewhere forward the wires return to the convertor in order to get the 12V supplied by it so that the lights can run on 110 AC. However, the company literature does not include an electrical schematic, so i cannot tell where the wire branches back.
can u help here? or do i need to cut these wires and run a separate wire direct to the convertor?

thanks in advance for your assistance


Mike, Have these worked before? If they did have they moved the coach or done anything to it recently? I ask this because if they worked this is the most common thing that happens. You can check at the switch to see if there is power as well. Even though all the fuses look fine be sure to check the out going post to verify that they have good power. If all this is good then you can also check the lights by pulling them down and making sure they all have continuity. Usually all the lights don't go bad at the same time. So power is what is thought. But you will or should see how the power is run when pulled down if you need to go that far. If there is any more help you might need ask and I will try my best to walk you through that as well. Thanks, Bill P.S. Sorry about it taking this long, I have had computer troubles.