RV Repair: 2000 coleman sunvalley pop up, 3m glue, spray glue
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Bill
Could you tell me what to use to re-secure the rubber seal that is attached to the cover of the pop up. It came apart where the door closes.
ANSWER: Linda, I am not quite sure I am clear on exactly what rubber seal you are talking about. Is it the one that goes all the way around the coach and makes the seal when it is closed? If it is then I would need to know how they had it attached to begin with. Some of these come with a bead that clamps around the top and the bead is what holds it in place. Some are attached with a piece of moulding and then screwed down. In even others they have a double sided tape that attaches them. If it is this one then you should be able to reglue it with some spray glue like 3 M. If you can describe it to me better I can help you better. Thanks, Bill
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Bill, it is the type that is glued in some way. I went back and checked it out and it definitely would need a really good adhesive there is only a 1/2 inch flat ridge all the way around that the rubber is sealed to and it is now separating more. Do you really think 3m glue is strong enough?
Thanks Bill
AnswerLinda, Some of the 3 M glues are definitely strong enough, you just need to find one that won't hurt the rubber. I would go to a paint store and ask them for the strongest spray glue they have and then see if it will do harm to the rubber. Thanks, Bill