RV Repair: engine specs., diesel pusher, fleetwoods
QuestionI recently purchased a 1999 Fleetwood Discovery 36-T diesel pusher. All the owner's and operators manuals were missing I have yet to learn anything about the size engine I have. The sales staff had no idea and the mechanic could only guess. I was assured that it is a Cummins. Does the engine have an ID plate anywhere,or is this info in the VIN? Thanks
AnswerPhillip, I don't really work on the engine side of R.V.'s just everything that has to do with the coach end, but you might try giving Fleetwood a call at 800-322-8216. This is the Riverside plant and they make motor homes there. I do know that it should have an identity plate inside of the coach usually by or near the drivers seat, and if not there then look in the cabinets for one. This plate should tell you everything in the coach, the floor plan, everything. Fleetwood would need the last 5 at least of your vin number for them to look it up in their records. That is as long as it is still in their system. Other than that the engine should also have a serial number on it that when looked up would tell what engine it has. I hope that this helps you and if the number is wrong let me know and I have most all of Fleetwoods numbers. Thanks, Bill