RV Repair: Norcold double door RV refrigerator, rv refrigerator, winter storage

QUESTION: We are bringing our motorhome out of winter storage.  We had kept it plugged in to the 50 amp during the storage, but turned the refrigerator off.  Now, it will not hold to operate on A/C...but wants to stay on LP.  (Last year, while going down the road, it would not hold on LP and we had to run the onin to keep it cool (using A/C))..Anyway, -----my first question is how can I trouble shoot now, and have it hold on the A/C operating system.
---my second question is why can't it hold on LP while traveling when we don't have the onin running?

ANSWER: Dawn, I am guessing that this is a 1200LRIM Norcold refrigerator. This refrigerator has a manual as well as automatic mode that it runs on. When it is on automatic or electric and there is power to the plug in the rear of the refer, that is when you open the outside grate and check for power to the plug that it is plugged into. If there is power there then more than likely you will need to replace the power control board that you will see also in the rear. Before you do replace it there is a way to do a self diagnostic on it by pushing the buttons in a certain way to get it to that mode and then it should tell you exactly what is going on with it. But here is what happens. When power is sensed by a relay on that board and it is on the relay closes and you have 110 power working. If the relay goes bad then it wont sense the power, or if the elements are bad then it will not remain on 110 then either. The best way to have this figured out is really to take it to someone that is well versed in Norcold's. If for some reason you are planning on doing this yourself please feel free to ask me and I will try my best to tell you how to do it. But I will need you to tell me what kind of buttons and display it has, such as round or square buttons and one or 2 numbers on the display. Thank you Bill

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Bill....Thank God for someone who sounds like he knows...smile.  The front of the door has square buttons and it says on the digital display "no AC".  It is a 1200LRIM.  How would we run the diagnostics?    We live in Tates Hell Forest/Swamp in the panhandle of Florida and it is 75+ miles to a "camping world"...and don't know of any one else that could come close to fixing it...and this camping worlds service on many items is questionable.  If you were close we would come see you.  HELP!

Ok Dawn, flashing the code no AC means that there is no ac power available to the refer. Either the cord has come unplugged, the socket has lost power or on the back where the power board is under the black cover one of the fuses has gone bad. Now if you test and everything is good even the fuse it may be that the board needs a reset. If the board is in lockout this is what you will need to do. Disconnect the 12 volt positive and negative wires, the ac power cord, solenoid gas valve wires,and the spark/sense electrode assembly wires. They are all marked. Basically you need to remove the wires to take the power board cover off. Then reconnect the 12 volt positive and negative wire. Then turn on the refer. Then looking at the 16 pin connector you will want to locate pin 15. This will be the empty socket to the right of the white/violet wire on the top row. Then you will use a jumper wire, make sure it is insulated wire that you have stripped both ends off about 1/2 inch. Then you will want to put one end of that wire in the 15 pin hole and the other end to a good ground lug. There will be one about 6 inches to the right on the bottom of the board. Keep it the wire connected on both ends for about 15 seconds and you will hear a click. That says the controls are reset. Remember this is a last resort. If you feel you need to do this please let me know first and we can see what troubles the refer had from the last reset. It will tell any fault that has happened by the lines on the display. I really hope that this helps and that you locate where the ac power has been lost at. I believe that is the real problem. Thanks, Bill