RV Repair: slide wont go out, forest river, solenoid
QuestionI have a 2001 Forest River Wildcat. My slide out will not go out. Either with the motor or the manually.I have replaced the switch checked the motor with a OHM and it has 13 amps of power. When activated the solenoid just clicks. I tried to hand pump it out but after 3 pumps it was to tight to pump. I turned the knob and followed instructions on the pump.
AnswerFrank, This sounds to me like it is a hydraulic slide and just for the reason that you say it locks up after just a few pumps I really recommend you to take it to a repair shop because there are just too many things that you would need to check and for me to give you a good explanation it would take me more time than I really have to discuss this with you. These slides were somewhat troublesome and really should be looked at by a Technician