RV Repair: 1965 Scotty, metal trim, outer skin

We bought this little pullbehind VERY cheap to convert into a playhouse for our daughter and her friends.  The only problem is that the trim --I guess that is what you would call it- on the outside corners has pulled loose in several places and you can see outside from the inside at these places.  What can we do that would be an easy yet attractive fix for these?  It is a metal trim or aluminum.  We have never done anything like this before, but if we can get the outside in good shape I think the inside will be beautiful.  Thanks so much for any help you can offer!!  Lisa and Keith

Hi Lisa
The trim is made of aluminum and is screwed into wood that has most likely lost its wood like property's and is now more like dust in some places.
Attaching screws to that is not going to work unless you can insert some sort of solid behind the alum trim.
In almost all cases,some outer skin and trim will need to be removed to access and remove the dead wood. You don't need to worry about structural strength if it is a play house.
