RV Repair: Hydraulic or Cable run slides, slide outs, good question
QuestionI am looking to buy a 35 foot motor home with slides on it. I have seen both cable operated slides and have also seen hydraulic operated slides. I would like to here the pros and cons for each.
AnswerWell that is a good question. Myself I feel that hydraulic slides are pretty reliable these days and they have them connected with the leveling systems as well as slide-outs. Most of the time when there is a problem with hydraulic slides you can still get them to go in again to get it to a repair shop. They even have cable assisted hydraulic slide drives. Again with hydraulic slides there is usually a way to move them manually. You don't really see alot of cable slides that aren't assisted by hydraulic. I feel it is in the manufactures and the systems that they have in them. Find a motor home that you want and check to see what type they have in them. Pretty much all systems they have these days are pretty dependable.