RV Repair: wiring diagrams, automotive repair shop, coack

QUESTION: thom I am a 54 year old automotive mechanic. i own an automotive repair shop, and recently purchased a 1986 allegro 27' side bath motor home. it has wery low miles and has been stored for awhile i am tryiny to find a wiring diagram for this motor home. I need the wiring for the gentrator set tht is a Onan 4.o bfa. I am having a problem with the transfer switch that cut shore power to gen power. when i got the unit the in cab gen start switch was bad. i replaced it with a onan switch. every thing seemed to work fine. One cold moring 40 degrees by fl standers i opened the shop to find the generator runing by itself. no one could have done this as my shop in a locked compound. even after this every thing was fine. now the transfer switch will not engage when the gen is started. if you hold the reley closed the system workes on gen power. shore power works ok. I can,t figure what wire from the gen set engages the transfer switch. i bought this thing to go to the races with. please help the daytona 500 is just a few weeks away

ANSWER: Hi Terry
Most generators close a ground loop to trigger a start, so its not unheard of for them to get wet or cold and shunt across a poorly placed connector ground out and complete a circuit. The transfer switch has to see current to know what it is supposed to do. And that requires a good ground, but also sufficient voltage.
What type/model transfer switch are we working with.
If you take me to the races, I'll fix it for free.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thom thank you for your quick reply to my question. My coack has a Keystone Type one 30 amp switch. I have determined that what appears to be a non resestable circuit breaker within the transfer switch has failed. it has voltage to it but no output to the pull-in coll of the switch. the unit has an inan 4.0 bfa gen set. during these test the gen set seems to be producing more than 120 volts. i have read voltage in the ranage or 160 volts. what controls the out put voltage? i cannot see any type of regulator in the parts manual for the unit. i now think that this occured during the time it started itself. i really haven't useed this unit only to get it running my first trip hopefully be to datona 500 I AM TRYING TO FIND ANOTHER TICKET IF I DO YOU HAVE TO GET TO FL.SN78U

Hi Terry
Your Geny output is RPM effective ,the higher the RPM the higher the voltage output.
It is very sensitive to R's. The higher rpm can be caused by carb. contaminants. Get an A/C voltmeter and ck for voltages with a load on the gen.
You should have 120 or 130 vac or so without a load, but it should drop down to 115-119 loaded.
