Questionhey Tom: I have just sold my RV; however, I have noticed a leak in the slideout piston / cylinder, which is bad. I want to replace the cylinder, there are two hose connections on each end of cylinder, and two nuts to remove it from frame. Can I just go ahead and remove the hydaulic hoses from cylinder , remove frame nuts and take it off. I know there is not much pressure, but some, as the slideout still works OK. I just want to replace it as easy and fast as possible? Thanks, Chuck
AnswerHi Chuck
I don't which system you have but typically there is no real pressure held in the line once the pump shuts down. One line is for in the other for out.
I would run the slide out let it sit so pressure drops, then "crack" a line, if its holding big pressure I'd be big surprised.
Let it drain into a catch can, do the other line
then pull off your ram.
You can replace the lost fluid with ATF.
Wear rubber gloves hydraulic fluid is not good for you.
Then test for leaks.