RV Repair: Trailer battery/converter, nomad trailer, fuse box

QUESTION: We have a 1991 Nomad trailer.  The converter/charger has quit charging the battery, so even when you're plugged in, the lights, heater, etc., everything that is 12V does not work.  I actually have a few questions:  1) Is it the converter, and if so is it something that can be fixed, how?  2)On the front of the trailer is a box that sits right behind the batteries.  The top won't come off, but I suspect that might be where the fuse is...any ideas if there is a fuse there?  I think that would be the first thing to check.  3) If we need to replace the converter (it's a Magnatek, model 6345 - it says 45 amp), is this something that someone without electrical experience can do, and will a model 6332 32amp output work? (there is a new one on ebay.)

Linda and Chuck

ANSWER: Linda...
Thats a lot of question.
The converter has three jobs...
1.   115 volt A/C distribution...(Breakers)
2.   Transform (convert)115VAC into 12VDC and          distribute....(Fuses)
And third...a charger, for the house battery.
To say that nothing inside works on 12 volt, even when plugged in means the converter is not converting.
It could be a 115 volt breaker that provides power to the converter.
Could be the transfer relay is not transferring.
Could be, no A/C to the converter from the shore chord.
The box near the battery is a fuse box , mostly for the exterior lights, but the battery, also passes through there.
But when plugged in, you should get power directly from the converter so I don't think thats where your problem is.
A 6332 will work, it has just a little less power on the D/C side,but thats OK.
They are sort of a bugger to replace without experience. I do a lot of them and their a pain...mostly in the knees and back, laying down there on the floor...ouch! Also its a bit easy to make a mistake you'll regret.
"Wires contain smoke...Don't let the smoke out"


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick answer...to follow up:  The outlets inside and out work when plugged into shore power, as well as the running lights, just no interior lights, 12V outlet, etc. when the batteries have run down.  Since they work, do you think it's the fuse in the box in the front?  We are willing to install a new converter (the replacement for the one we have is actually an electronic version), but if there is a bad fuse, it would probably be a waste of money.

If the interior lights work until the batt. runs down, then no, its not a fuse in the box. Having the lights work for a while proves that. I would still say its the transfer switch in the converter. Believe it or not ...sometimes we give the converter a "kick" test with the side of our foot to see if we can jar the contacts on the switching relay. Or you can pull the bottom cover of the converter and spray the relay with  electrical contact cleaner and try again.
