RV Repair: Exterior delamination, contact cement, adhesive type
Question(87 shasta) The top of the motorhome seems to be fine. The bottom exterior has some major delaminating. There is a strip screwed to the motorhome that separates the top and bottom exterior panels. I am concerned that upon removal the exterior laminate may be ruined and hard to adhere to. I was thinking that I could unscrew the strip and readhere the exterior panels with adhesive and pressure. Can I readher the skin to just the foam and do you have a suggestion for adhesive type and method to repair delamination?
Thanks, Russ
AnswerHi Russ, Contact cement is the only way to readier the lament to the foam. The trick is to find a contact cement that dose not eat the foam. There is a glue out there that will not eat the foam but I can remember what it is called. Call Beaudry RV Collision Center. 520 889 6000. They may know. Good Luck