RV Repair: G6A-7E Atwood DSI Water Heater, fleetwood southwind, lp gas detector

1995 Fleetwood Southwind
Please help us figure out what is wrong with our heater.
We have recently noticed that our heater is getting too hot and kicking off before the water is completely hot. We also notice a strong "hot" smell in the bathroom. The LP gas detector also went off and cut off the gas supply into the RV. Please help us troubleshoot this problem in all areas from the LP gas main regulator, to the heater parts itself.
Thanks, Charles & Janet

Hi again! Got the Question. Oops! Forget the last answer. I have a few Ideas. First. Check the Water Heater By Pass. Be sure the tank is getting water into it. Do this by turn on the water pump and open the front door of the water heater. Pull the relief valve and see if you have water flowing. If so, then check the out side shower. It the water valves were left on, then shut them off. (this happens because the shower head has a valve also. It won't leak and the open valves act as a cool and hot mixing valve. Therefor the water never gets hot. Only luck warm. Hope that helps. Good Luck.