RV Repair: Roof repair, spray adhesives, pop up camper
I recently asked you a question about the repair of my pop up camper roof. This was the question(I am repairing the roof of my pop up camper due to tree and water damage. I am having to replace a 2 foot by 11 foot section of 3/4" stryofoam insulation, along with the entire ceiling of paneling, which is 7 foot by 11 foot. My question is, what kind of adhesive does the factory use to join the styrofoam to the aluminum roof and then the stryrofoam to the wood ceiling paneling?)
You told me that they used something called "red glue" and that you recommended some kind of construction adhesive.
Well, I have tried Liquid Nails and that made the styrofoam cavitate. I tried a foamboard adhesive from PL adhesives and that didn't hold. I also, tried a combination of regular and water based contact cements that did not hold effectively. Did you have a particular adhesive in mind? Like a particular name brand and type? Also, while looking on the internet, I found a spray adhesive called "K Grip". Would the "K Grip" be the adhesive that I would need? Any specifics would be greatly appreciated because this project has really began to drag out to long.
Is it possible to purchase the "red glue" somewhere in smaller containers that the 50 gallon drum?
AnswerSorry. I didn't mean to steer you wrong. I don't know if anyone uses the redglue anymore because styrofoam is not used (at least not by us.) Probably your best bet is to try the spray stuff in small quantities to see if it is going to work. Our service department uses spray adhesives in cans, and it works very well on paneling, etc. Other than that, I don't know what else to tell you.