RV Repair: AC coleman Mach 6799-809, seattle area, time delay

Trips off breaker (both line and gen). Turned on unit and watched voltage and would cool (it seemed to be cool air coming out) until I turned up temp and then back down at which point the voltage droppeed from like 126 to 107 and the gen lugged and noises from roof unit and breakers tripped. Unit has been sitting for well over year in Seattle area.  Installed on 1993 Safari Trek  

Hi Rick:

I need a little more information from you, regarding the breaker problem.

You stated the air conditioner seemed to be blowing cold air, until you turned thermostat up, then back down. Here is what may have happened. Anytime an air conditioner is turned on and ran for a while, turned off, then right back on, it will pull up to three times its normal starting current, trying to overcome the high refrigerant pressures, which have not had time to properly equalize in unit. It cannot normally start back up instantly. This is why many units now have a built in time delay, which allows a few minutes before compressor will restart. (unless optional hard start kit was installed) This may have been what has happened in your situation.

Next, if the air conditioner, was not cooling and you turned it on, and it tripped the breakers, trying to start, then you may have a stuck, damaged compressor, or capacitor.

I would like for you to do the following. Turn on the air conditioner, as you normally have done. Do not raise the thermostat, just let it run long enough for you to determine that it is cooling properly. Then turn it off, wait three or four minutes, then slowly turn it on again. It should start normally. If system does start, without tripping a breaker, then you most likely need to have it checked out.

I hope this information helps you. If I can be of further help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Reagards, Larry