RV Repair: AC shore power not working, air condtioners, costco


We just bought an RV (a 35' Gulfstream Scenic Cruiser, 1994).  Everything worked fine until a week ago when the AC power just went away.  The generator will still run and give us AC, but when hooked up to the shore power and any other time except when the generator is running, there is no AC power.

I checked the electric cable that connects the RV to the shore outlet and it is OK.  No breaks or anything.  I actually checked it with a meter, looking at the resistance across it.  There was none.

No fuses seem to be blown.  And no cicuit breakers either.  Any hints on where to start troubleshooting?

-- Chris.

p.s.  Should I buy this: <href a="http://www.costco.com/Browse/Productgroup.aspx?Prodid=11114891&whse=BC&topnav=&browse=">Inverter at Costco for $89 (1000 watt interter)</a> I want it to run stuff when we are driving mostly.  That way it shouldn't drain the battery.  Most everything but the AC, Fridge, and microwave we are hoping it will power.

Hi Chris:

I forgot to address the inverter issue for you. It would be next to impossible, to be able to power an A/C unit using a 3000 inverter. It would take a very large battery bank, however it very soon would be run down, and the standard generator would not supply enough current to recharge these batteries. Chris, if you need to run the roof air condtioners, its best to fire up the generator. The generator actually uses less  than fuel  than you might imagine. Look in the generator book that came with the rv, and it will tell you exactly how many gallons per hour the generator uses at part load and then full load.

Just guessing the wattage of your refrigerator operating on AC current, it would probably require a 2000 Watt inverter to just run the refrigerator. I have an inverter on my rv, I have it wired the way you are talking about, and it automatically inverts 110 volts of power to the refrigerator.  I sure enjoy using it too. Chris I hope this answers your question. If I can be of further help, just let me know.
Regards, Larry