RV Repair: RV electrical slideout, friction area, proper lubricant

I have a 2003 Keystone Springdale 26' fifth wheel.  It has a superslide that encompasses the living and dining area.  My question is this:  When I am activating the slide (in or out), it will run great for about 10-15 seconds.  Then it stops, wait about 30 seconds and starts again.  This will go on through the entire duration going in or out.  My thinking is that a thermal overload is tripping.  I researched the  motor for the slide, it doesn't have one.  The converter does.  Is it a possibility that the thermal overload is going bad on the converer or should the slide motor be plugged in on a non-thermal rated terminal?

Hi Roy:

I think your correct about it triping out on overload, cooling down, and then moving slide a little more each time. It either has an electric motor that operates the slide, or hydraulics. I feel like yours has a motor hidden somewhere. Have you lubricated the slide rail that extend the slide outward. All of the weight of the room is on these two rails, and if there is too much friction, the motor will trip out. Have you lubricated these rails before? If not, please get the proper lubricant and lubricate these friction area. I've know campers who have used candle wax, and their slide rails works great after doing so. The wax does not attract dust, dirt, etc. like most spray lubricants do. I hope this information helps you. Please let me know how you make out with this..

Regards, Larry