RV Repair: 5th Wheel Floor, lanoleum, sheetmetal shop

I have recently acquired a family airloom, a 28ft '89 Komfort. While driving from CA to SC we had a tire blow out that destroyed a 4ft x 2ft section of the RV floor. Otherwise structurally-it's in good condition. (Insurance may want to total it.) None of the steel frame is damaged, & as far as we see, just sheet metal, plywood, and the lanoleum. We would like to fix it ourselves. Would it be that hard? (We are somewhat mechanically inclined).  

Shouldn't be hard to do at all.
Fortunately, you have the other side to look at for comparison purposes.
Usually the wheelwell metal is pre-bent. You could have a sheetmetal shop bend it for you, or you can try to do it yourself.
Most RV dealers have access to parts from their various manufacturers. If you give them the size you need, they could probably order something close to what you need. Much less expensive doing it yourself, though.
The main thing to remember is to make sure you have it sealed up properly with insulation, caulking, and underbelly material.
Let me know if I can be of more help.
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