RV Repair: Onan generator, volt dc, fuel line
QuestionRecently my Onan generator wouldn't start. I suspected a fuel issue. When I remove the fuel line from the carb and crank it over, there is no fuel. I checked the fuel pump fuse, it's good.
Checked the fuel line from tank to generator, it's clear. Any way to check the actual pump? Or anything else I should look for?
AnswerHi Warren:
The pump is a 12 volt DC unit that sits low in the generator frame on the right side. Find the two wires going to it and cut them loose from the pump. Leave enough wire on both ends so that you can splice when you are done. Run a hot and ground wire to the pump and see if it will run. If it does the you either have a voltage problem from the board or relay or a restriction in the fuel line to the pump. If it does not run the pump is bad.