RV Repair: Tent trailer ceiling repair, rv supply store, screw hole

I have a 1989 Starcraft Starflyer hard top tent trailer.  Last winter water got into the roof via a screw hole, which I have sealed.

The ceiling developed a couple of small (two inch diameter) blisters.

The ceiling is comprised of three panels.  Only the rear panel is damaged.  I assumed I would be able to purchase a panel from Starcraft and replace the damaged one.  No such luck.

I talked to Starcraft and was told the ceiling is a laminate of vinyl and wood-ply glued under pressure to the aluminum roof.  I imagine there is a layer of insulation in there as well.  They said the only way to do a good repair was to replace the roof, except they are no longer available.  Alternatively, remove the roof, invert it on saw horses and repair with local material.

Can you suggest what local material to obtain and the likely places to find it?  How do I remove the panels?  (I imagine I will have to replace them all in order for them to match).  

I guess if I were you, I would try to overlay the existing panels with 3 of the same kind.
1) You shouldn't have to take the roof off to do this, and
2) It will even give you some extra insulation and soundproofing.

You can get generic ceiling panels at most large RV dealers or an RV supply store, or you could even use something from Lowes or Home Depot.

If you decide to overlay, make sure you have the existing panels glued well, so they won't let loose.

That is what I would try to do,