RV Repair: Carriage Connestoga Wiring Problem, fuse panel, 5th wheel


We were getting ready to pull out with our Carriage Connestoga and we can't get the jacks to work.  When we flip the switch from store to on; the box doesn't click and the jacks won't work.  The batteries test good.

We wanted to leave tonight and can't.  Any ideas on how to get the wiring diagram for our 5th wheel?

Funny you should ask. Carriage is where I work.
Call Roger at 800-348-2214 (X104). He is the head of Warranty/Tech and he should be able to help you out, or at least point you in the right direction of a repair shop that can help you out. My guess is that it is a fuse.
Have you checked the fuse panel in the front compartment of the unit?
I hope this helps,