RV Repair: RV Generator, starter solenoid, rv generator

I know that when the tank gets down to 1/4 tank the generator is designed not to star.  However, when mine gets to 1/2 tank and I try to start using either start button, it will crank then stop.  I try again and get nothing, dead.  After a few minutes, sometimes hours, the crank will work again and nothing.  Same thing.  I notice when I fill it up it will evenutally start again.  Is this just typically low fuel problem.  And should I keep it above half tank to keep it running?  Thanks.  

Hi Bobby:
You are correct that the generator will not get fuel below about 1/4 tank, that is because the pick up tube for the generator does not go to the bottom of the main tank. I think you have something else going on with the starter. My guess is the voltage to the starter/solenoid sytem is so low at times that the solenoid does not connect. You might have some corrosion somewhere in the wire from the battery to the gen set. Put a voltmeter on the battery side of the solenoid and see what the voltage is when you are trying to start. If the voltage drops below 10 or so there is a problem you have to find. The house battery might be weak, the solenoid could be starting to go or the starter. When it does not start try running the main engine to get a voltage boost from the engine alternator. Good luck.