RV Repair: Oven doesnt work, flame sensor, nitrogen gas

We just bought a 1985 Allegro 27' RV. The range works great and the pilot light in the oven does light. But, that's it. No flame comes out of the long tube with holes along the side. Can I fix this?

Hi Kathy:
Most likely one of two things are wrong. In order for gas to come out and ignite in the long burner tube two things have to work right. First there is a flame sensor near the pilot. A bulb type thing that is filled with nitrogen gas under pressure. When the pressure builds up because the bulb is heated by the pilot, that pressure is transmitted to the main gas valve at the front of the range. This allows gas to flow to the burner tube, when you turn it on,  where the pilot ignites it. Either the nitrogen has leaked out of the sensor or the main valve is bad. On a 1985 I would just change them both. Look for a brand name and model, serial number for the stove and then contact the manufacturer for where to buy the sensor and gas valve. Good luck.