RV Repair: Star fractures in fiberglass, fiberglass resin, kool seal

Hi Gerald - Thanks for being available.  I recently purchased a 1988 Dolphin 34' MH.  I knew when I bought it that there had been some leaks around the roof fans on top.  I have done extensive repair to the inside ceiling to repair the damage and have refitted and re-caulked the fans.  They are no longer leaking.  While working on the roof, I noticed two or three fractures in the fiberglass roof surface.  They are star shaped.  They are not leaking as far as I can tell at this time.  I am wondering if there is a simple repair that I can make to these spots.  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.            Ron Snyder

For easy repairs you can sand down the area and clean it then use something like Kool Seal on it, or you can buy some fiberglass resin and hardener and do it that way. Both are available at Home Depot. Since it is on the roof it shouldnt be too hard to repair.