RV Repair: Dometic RM763, hydroflame, happy camping

-Hi Darren,
Thank you for answering so promptly.
We replaced one battery that seemed marginal and have 12V to frig.  Still no red light when gas is off and frig fails to ignite.  The igniter clicks for 2.5 to 3 min as per manual.  It cooled overnight on 120 to 38º in frig and 5º in freezer.  Switched to gas but too soon to tell how well it will cool.  Will check tomorrow a.m.  It's over 100º here in Tucson today.
Is there a way to check components?  
Thanks again,
Followup To
Question -
Hi Darren,
I have an '85 Alpenlite with a RM763 Dometic frig.  Last weekend offspring borrowed same and called to ask about indicator lights.  Seems the green light went out for a time; no red light and then came back on.  It happened a couple of times but frig seemed to be working.  They were "dry camping", no 110 and there were other problems that seem to be related to bad batteries.  (No heat from furnace-Hydroflame-unless they turned on generator)  Could frig trouble be related to power source or am I just lucky and everything is breaking down at once?
Marilyn Stogsdill
Tucson, AZ
Answer -
Hi Marilyn,
         It is very possible (likely even) the trouble with frig is directly related to the condition of the batteries.  After you have them charged or replaced it should eliminate the problem, but if not let me know.  Good luck and happy camping.


Hi again Marilyn,

     Without a special diagnostic tool you can't really check anything on the dometic frig's.  It is probably the circuit board, switch or light itself going or gone bad.  Wish I could be more help butit soundslike you may need to take this into a shop to have it looked at.
