RV Repair: Pickup camper repair, pickup camper, aluminum skin
QuestionI recently acquired a 1989 Texson Arrow 8.5 pickup camper that's got a couple of concerns that I need to address. One is the refrigerator, which is simply a matter of finding someone accomplished enough to properly handle it's repair. The other is a problem with rotten wood in the overhanging area of the camper (the area that hangs over the bed sides of the pickup truck). This wood is rotten enough that it is not possible to lift the camper with the side-mounted jacks, at least not without causing damage to the sides of the camper. In my repair efforts, I was planning on removing the outer aluminum skin from the camper, so that I could make sure that all wood rot was eliminated and the best and most structurally sound repair was done. I have tried getting some sort of manufacturing drawings or other information from the manufacturer, but all I can get is information about the type of wood that was used in the building of the RV. Am I correct to assume that I need to support the roof (possibly jack it up, even) while removing these overhanging pieces? From the looks of the camper itself, that looks to be the only way these pieces will come out without causing more damage. Do you know if this is the standard way to repair an area such as this? Thanks in advance for your assistance!
First for the frig, if you can see any yellow residue or you can smell ammonia you might as well throw the thing away. Yes, you are correct in supporting any good wood left in the structure, but again the time and money you are going to put in this repair is going to far exceed the value of the object being repaired so that may be something to keep in mind.