RV Repair: tip out repair, travel trailer, thousand dollars
Questionhave a layton 1994 26 ft travel trailer the gal we bought it from tried to replace the floor on the tip out and in doing so tweeked it bad it wont go all the way out on the front side tords the bottom and wont crank all the way in tords the top . there is no way to adjust it it rides on arms only up down and side to side adjustment on it . can we replace the tip out or do we just have to live with it tweeked. talked to a guy about repairing it but he said it was pretty bad.
The price of having a replacemnet slideout built and shipped would exceed the value of your RV. Repairing it sounds like it will cost quite a bit too since a repair has been attempted and caused the problem. Pulling the room out and rebuilding it could run 4-5 thousand dollars easily.