RV Repair: Hot Water heater, shasta rv, hot water heater

1994 Shasta RV.  Hot water heater will not work. Have power to switch and tried to bypass switch but still could not get heater to operate.  Also, having problems with running lights if you can help with that.

Ira Davis

   You have power at the switch but is it to operate the gas or electric side of your water heater.  If you can get me the model # I can be a bit more specific.  If it's for the gas, when you turn the switch on it should send power to the thermostat.  Depending on the brand it may then go the ECO and then the DSI board or to the DSI board and out through the ECO and to the gas valve.  My best guess is either the thermostat is at fault or the DSI board is bad.  If its for the electric side I would guess either the thermostat or heating element.  If you need more help just get me the model # and e will go from there.
