RV Repair: water heater, suburban water heater, happy camping

we get no gas to our water heater and no ignition but we get gas and electicity to everything else

    It sounds like you are describing a direct spark ignition water heater.  If it is an Atwood there may be a thermal overload device between the t-stat and the power wire to the circuit board that could be bad.  Or it could be the t-stat or the circuit board has gone bad.  The switch inside could have failed or there may be a blown 12 volt fuse to this circuit.  If it is a Suburban water heater it could be a fuse, the switch, or the circuit board.  If you can get me the model # and serial # I can get more specific about how and where to check some of these things.  The circuit board can be removed on either and checked with a tester by most RV repair shops, just call and ask if they have a board tester.  I hope this helps, good luck, and happy camping.
