RV Repair: vent dome, vent assembly, roof vent
Questioni have to replace a vent dome on my 5th wheel acn you tell me the beat way to remove the old one it is in the bathroom . thanke pete and thank you for the time you spend
Do you need to replace the vent lid or the entire vent. Usually all that deteriorates is the lid itself. If that's the case then I would recommend that you remove it and take it to your RV parts store to match it up because there are several different hinge styles. To do this you will need to remove the garnish around the vent, remove the screen, and remove the crank up mechanism. You will need to pay attention to how this mechanism attaches to the vent lid. Next you will need to get on the roof and remove the lid. The hinge type will determine how it comes off. It may have screws in each end of the hinge, or it may just have tabs that need to be straightened. Once you determine what is keeping the hinge in place and remove or ? the lid will just slide off.
If you need to replace the entire vent assembly you will need to get on the roof and remove all the screws around the perimeter of the vent. You can then pull the roof vent out. Take your new roof vent and put putty tape around the flange that screws to the roof. Screw it down making sure the hinge is towards the front of the unit. Next you will need to apply a lap sealant around the edge of the vent and over the tops of all the screws. I hope this helps and good luck with your project.