RV Repair: rubber roof, rubber roofs, sheet aluminum

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The 10 year old rubber roof membrane on my motorhome is beginning to "check" in a couple of areas, each "check" being about 3/8" across.  I was thinking of coating the whole roof with one of those rubberized roll or brush on products.  Is this a good idea and can you recommend a particular brand?

Thanks so much.
Answer -
I am a fan of anything that is one piece.  Several companies make one piece roof systems and since they are all made out of rubber, I have not heard of one being better than the other.  Depending on the type of roof you have, sheet aluminum also is used and works great.  It's cheaper than the rubber roofs (usually) and will never wear out (might get hailed on but won't wear out).

Ron, thanks for your quick answer. Actually, I didn't want to replace the whole membrane, just "paint" over one of those rubberized liquids. Is this a good idea?

Thanks again.

It's second best to a new roof as long as you use an RV rubber product and not something intended to coat trailer house roofs.
Make sure the roof is clean and dry.  I use a product I get from an RV retail store, it comes in an orange quart can, can't remember the brand. Goes on like paint, feels and acts like rubber.